Clarify and elevate your impact-driven message to cut through the greenwashing and expand the positive impact of your business or organization.
StorySeed Marketing and Messaging Course is a self-paced, digital course for the impact entrepreneur wanting to hone and expand their message, while learning the core competencies of marketing and brand storytelling.
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15+ Years Instructor Marketing Experience

LIVE Weekly Office Hours

Goal-Oriented Downloadable Workbooks

Appropriate for All Levels

6-8 Months to Complete
What will you accomplish in this course?
- Develop a clear message that speaks to your people, in the right place, at the right time
- Design marketing systems that work for your unique business or organization at any stage, with any audience you serve
- Collaboratively weave your message into the tapestry of the new regenerative economy

StorySeed Course Syllabus
The Six Steps of the Harmonic Storytelling Method
StorySeed has a six-step process we call the Harmonic Storytelling Method (HSM) that takes you from having an unclear brand identity and strategy to strategically scaling your own business, and from feeling alone and isolated in your work, to being an impactful part of the message of your community or movement. This course doesn't just teach you to build effective marketing and messaging for your business, it helps you to create harmony in the world through your message and marketing.
Step 1:
Brand Identity
StorySeed starts off by helping you developing one of the two most important characters in brand storytelling - the character and IDENTITY of your brand. The brand's archetype, purpose, how it interacts with the world, and the actual actions it takes to serve its heroes are all built out in Step 1.

Step 2:
Hero Identity
Next, we identify who your ideal client is and the market you serve. This is the second character in brand storytelling, and they are the hero of the story. We'll conduct our MARKET RESEARCH and understand our hero's wants, desires, pains and challenges better than they understand them themselves.
Step 3:
Story Writing
Now that we've developed the characters that will exist in our brand's story, we're going to script and write it. This is the STORY of our hero's (ideal client's) transformation from where they are to where they want to be as they take us as their guide and engage with our brand.

Step 4:
Systems Design
With our hero's journey story scripted and written, we now build the marketing systems that allow our story to be effective in the market. Here we will build our marketing STRATEGY, the CONTENT systems that will allow us to articulate our story and the DISTRIBUTION systems that will allow us to bring that story to the right people at the right time in the right place.
Step 5:
Story Scaling
With our story now living in the world through the marketing systems we built we are now going to scale our story to reach more and do more. In step 5 we learn how to AUTOMATE our marketing efforts and progressively build a marketing TEAM that helps us grow our business through the brand and the narrative it tells.

Step 6:
Story Weaving
The final step in HSM draws on each prior step to collaboratively weave the narrative you've built for your brand with the brands of others working within the movements you are involved in. We'll learn to build COLLABORATIVE marketing campaigns that lift up each brand involved while bringing greater awareness to the collective narrative of the movements we are a part of.
Ready to start amplifying your voice and expand your impact?
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Meet Your Instructors
Joshua Prieto
Josh has over 10 years of experience creating, building, and executing marketing systems. His career as a marketer and entrepreneur has helped him to learn sound marketing principles from both the school of hard knocks and involvement with enterprises of all shapes and sizes. Mixed with his passion for regenerative enterprise design, Josh shares how to use your enterprise's message and marketing as a catalyst for social and environmental change.

Emily Prieto
Emily is an artist, creative designer, and brand strategist who has worked with small and large businesses to create content that shares the brand identity through a compelling message and story. She's worked in various visual mediums such as photography, videography, graphic design, website development, and personal branding for over 7 years. Throughout that time she's also expanded her skills into brand storytelling, content marketing and entrepreneurship. She loves nothing more than helping her fellow impact entrepreneurs develop brands that catch the eye and touch the heart.
Enroll in the StorySeed and finally start effectively speaking the same language as your audience.
This is a methodology we've proven time and time again with brands large and small. We've spent thousands of hours and tens of thousands of dollars in marketing education and validation, you shouldn't have to do that too.
Save the time and pain of creating content no one is paying attention to, and meeting with less-than-ideal clients.
Save thousands of dollars working through marketing tools and courses that don't serve the whole life of your regenerative brand.
StorySeed is a premium marketing course with lifetime access and updates for...
However you can get access to StorySeed and our other course offerings for as low as $17/mo...
-All courses in the United Learning Library including StorySeed!
-How to build out an authentic identity for your brand that acts as the guide to your ideal client.
- How to conduct market research so that you can clearly share your message to the right client, at the right time, and in the right place.
- How to turn your message from a benefits and features list into a transformative hero’s journey for each client you serve.
- How to design strategy, content, and message distribution systems that grow a healthy regenerative enterprise.
- How to build a growth marketing team and create automated systems that expand your business.
- How to connect your brand’s message to the greater movements you are a part of to collectively increase our ability to create social and environmental change.
Plus, you'll have LIVE instructor-led Office Hours every week so you feel supported and accountable in your progress.
StorySeed is built for impact entrepreneurs like YOU

Conceptualizing Your Business
Gaining clarity on the purpose, operations, revenue models, and go to market of your business idea

Validating Your Business Model
Observing, interacting, and testing to see if your model provides triple bottom line profits

Accelerating Your Business's Regenerative Impact
With proven viability, you are ramping up your ability to create regenerative change in your market

Systemizing Your Business for Regenerative Growth
Moving away from the startup phase of business, you are building systems for healthy growth.