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Episode 067: The Importance of a Life-Coach in Regeneration with Caroline Cohen

personal development Dec 17, 2020
seeds of tao emotions mindset regenerative sustainability

As we start to wrap up this year, we're excited to release two episodes this week about totally different but important topics. Earlier on Tuesday, we talked about health and leadership with Mike Garcia, and today we're talking with Caroline Cohen, who focuses more on the mindset aspect. We've found over and over again how important a positive, regenerative mindset is in the regenerative sphere (as in everywhere else, of course). We hope you enjoy this episode and come away with new ideas to improve your mindset. 

If you'd like to learn more about Caroline, check out her Linked In Profile, and her Instagram is @CarolineAbigail_LC.

Also, people interested  in coaching can get a free 45-minute sample session at 

Keep Growing!