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Episode 087: Personal Development by Establishing a Symbiotic Relationship With Nature with Jeffry Vos

personal development regenpreneur startup story May 11, 2021

You know those moments when you are out in nature and whatever has been ailing you has suddenly been swept away by what Jeffry Vos calls the natureverse? It's a beautiful thing and it is so real that you experience it every single day if you allow it into your life. This is the main theme of the story Jeffry shares with us today. In fact, nature is more than a healer it can refine us into better versions of ourselves. Jeff shares how his consistent connection with nature, the practice of permaculture principles in his life, and the hard work of homesteading has changed and refined his talents and has become his way to personally develop himself. 

As you listen to the episode and get to know Jeffry, you can reach out to him by email or on the Seeds of Tao Slack channel.